Wednesday, November 6, 2013

real time notes

all boys boarding preparatory school
new kid's awkward
other kid's dad tells makes him drop some extracurricular activity
Robin Williams shows up and reminds all the students they're gonna die
kid goes to dinner and meets girl
Robin Williams has students tear introduction out of poetry book, says it's shit
the powerful play goes on, you can contribute a verse, what will yours be?
other teacher doesn't like Robin Williams
dead poet society, hang out in a cave reading poetry
they do it
one kid doesn't want to go because he doesn't want to read or something
they keep doing it
one of them falls in love with this girl he met once and calls her, gets invited to party
a bunch of girls go into cave for a meeting
that one kid goes to the party, gets drunk, gets beet up
one of the kids in the dead poet society put something in the paper saying girls should be admitted at school
he did it in the same of the group
didn't go over so well
one kids father says he can't be in a play he didn't know about
the kid in love goes to the girls school, reads her a poem, pisses her off
she goes to his school to warn him about her boyfriend? who will beat him up
she agrees to go to play with him because he promised that if she didn't like him it'd be the end of it
kid shows up in play anyway, dad comes at end and sees him
dad goes home with son angrily
"you're going to military school, you're going to be a doctor"
son kills himself that night
I guess his name was Neil
"Tod" has breakdown, says Neil's father did it
Teacher reads a bit out of the Five Centuries of Verse book and cries
school does investigation of all students
one kid rats and says "you can't save keating but you can save yourselves"
the leader? kid gets expelled
administration says Neil's death is keating's fault
head of school comes to teach english
keating shows up for belongings
all students stand on desks in protest
"thank you boys. thank you"
roll credits

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