Saturday, December 7, 2013

man this is old
unpublished drafting for paper 1
given you know:
    a. what you want to tell
    b. the features you must have
    c. the features of the models that most appear to you
    i. brainstorm
    ii. decide what you will include
    iii. decide what you will focus on
    iv. think about what your greatest delight in telling the story will be
then begin drafting
a. I will tell of my experience going to summer school and then going to west sound
b. I will focus on the contrast between the two
    I will focus on the types of people I saw at each
    I will focus on my own confusion about my own character and work ethic and integrity
c. I most liked the presentation of learning to read and being average, but while being average is more similar
    to my subject, I like the writing style of learning to read.

i. above
ii. also above
iii. again, above
iv. I'm not sure what kind of greatest delight I expect from this, and nothing comes to mind now. It's
    important how I fail to relate with any group specifically and have a hard time struggling to be inadequate,
    coming from a position where the slightest effort made someone exceptional. I guess it'll be fun to bash the
    public school system, but that's a bit of a guilty pleasure, and probably not something to find delight in.


general lack of effort
>no understanding of effort to reward
>seemingly hallow pressure to succeed
>teachers that don't entirely care
>resent success because mindless busywork does not reflect superiority
sent to summer school
>first experience with negative effect
>don't fit in at all
>find pride in being success with little effort
>realize I have become what I resented
>become self-confident regardless
go to west sound academy
>don't fit in again
>incredibly unusual and diverse personalities
>workload is seemingly unrealistic
>attempt to maintain success
>quickly realize my hardest effect is met with minimal to moderate success
>begin to be capable of working hard, adopt quirks of others, become close to few
>many leave over period of several years

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